Razor is one of my favorite heroes to use. With his godlike DPS late game, and superb farming capabilities, he is a very big threat to the enemies. He is also a newb-friendly hero so people just starting the game won't really have much problems learning his basics.
This is actually my very first guide, even earlier than my invoker guide. I first completed this about 2 yrs ago and razor hasn't been changed since then. At first I thought this was already moved to the outdated guides so I never bothered to update it, but now I'll reformat and revive this guide...
Razor is one of my favorite heroes to use. With his godlike DPS late game, and superb farming capabilities, he is a very big threat to the enemies. He is also a newb-friendly hero so people just starting the game won't really have much problems learning his basics.
This is actually my very first guide, even earlier than my invoker guide. I first completed this about 2 yrs ago and razor hasn't been changed since then. At first I thought this was already moved to the outdated guides so I never bothered to update it, but now I'll reformat and revive this guide...
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I. Overview of Razor
- Basic Stats
- Pros
- Cons
III. Skill Build
IV. Item Build
- Core Items
- Luxury Items
- Other Items
- Early Game
- Mid Game
- Late Game
VII. Replays
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▌► Basic Stats
Range: 550 | | Move Speed: 295 | Primary: AGI
Str: 17 + 1.9 | Agi: 22 + 2.5 | Int: 14 + 1.8
Damage: 45 - 47 | HP: 473 | Mana: 182
HP Regen: 0.76 | Mana Regen: 0.57 | Armor: 2.1
▌► Pros
- An excellent farmer
- Strong hero killer late game
- Godlike attack speed
- Easier to use compared to other carry heroes
- Very item dependent
- Delayed attack animation
- Low hp early game
- Razor's Attack Animation -
Let's discuss razor's animation a bit before we proceed any further. Basically razor's animation consists of 2 parts: (1) the red lightning animation which is PURELY JUST AN ANIMATION and doesn't deal damage (2) the feint red ball of energy that ACTUALLY deals the damage. So as you can see, razor's damage is dealt a fraction of a second after he actually attacks. The good thing about this though is that once the red lightning hits the target, the energy ball will SURELY hit. What about it?
He can hit the enemy and still have time to get away from creep aggro because the 2nd animation doesn't have to be waited. Meaning that after the red lightning hits your target you can immediately issue another command like Move to get closer/further because you don't have to wait for the 2nd animation to hit. Through practice you can really utilize his unique animation and it's a good one for last hitting and denying.
With some items or instances, razor's 1st attack animation will completely disappear although the damage is still dealt; just the red lightning animation is affected.
- Stacking eye of skadi with maelstrom/mjollnir
- Procting maim
- Procting bash
- Procting feedback
- Procting chain lightning
- Procting a critical hit
Frenzy [R]
Increases attack speed for 20 seconds, at the cost of taking additional damage.
Level 1 - 25% increase, 5% damage taken increase.
Level 2 - 50% increase, 10% damage taken increase.
Level 3 - 75% increase, 15% damage taken increase.
Level 4 - 100% increase, 20% damage taken increase.
Mana Cost: 80/ 90/ 110/ 130
Cooldown: 40
Razor's steroid spell. 100% increased attackspeed spells "ouch!" to enemy heroes. Taking down towers and killing heroes has never been so easy. Just remember that you also receive 20% more damage, but if you can kill an enemy hero in 5 secs, the added damage received won't be too much of a problem. Don't get this skill too early neither too late...
Unholy Fervor [U]
Increases the movement speed and life regeneration rate of Razor.
Level 1 - 3% movement, 0.5 HP/ sec regeneration bonus.
Level 2 - 5% movement, 1 HP/ sec regeneration bonus.
Level 3 - 8% movement, 1.5 HP/ sec regeneration bonus.
Level 4 - 10% movement, 2 HP/ sec regeneration bonus.
Stacks with Satyr Hellcaller's Unholy Aura.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
A great passive skill, a free ring of regen and mini boots of speed. WHEN this skill is gotten is completely dependent on the player and as such this can either be learned at earlier levels or gotten at the very last levels.
Chain Lightning [C]
Hurls a bolt of damaging lightning at a target enemy within 700 range that jumps to enemies within 500 AoE. Each jump deals 15% less damage.
Level 1 - 75 damage, jumps 3 times.
Level 2 - 150 damage, jumps 5 times.
Level 3 - 225 damage, jumps 7 times.
Level 4 - 300 damage, jumps 9 times.
Mana Cost: 90/ 105/ 125/ 145
Cooldown: 11
Razor's harassing and farming skill. Deals a fair amount of damage, but looses its credibility as the game progresses as heroes would probably have high HP. Still, in the early to mid parts of the game, this is one great harasing spell. Just use it wisely as it costs 145 mana and Razor doesn't have that great of a mana pool and mana regen. Start using this skill when it reaches level 2. At level 1, the mana cost is actually more than the damage dealt so using this at level 1 is just a waste. Also, always aim this to an enemy hero, don't let it just bounce to them since every bounce gets weaker.
Storm Seeker [K]
Summons a storm that permanently follows Razor. Every 3.25 seconds, it strikes Razor's enemies within 500/550/600 AoE with savage lightning bolts.
Level 1 - Deals 60 damage.
Level 2 - Deals 90 damage.
Level 3 - Deals 120 damage.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
This skill was made for one thing, farming. Paired with chain lightning, you can clear creep waves VERY fast. Damaging enemy heroes with this skill is just a minimal purpose as the main purpose of this skill like I said is for farming. To maximize its efficiency, always be near to the enemy creeps so every creeps gets damaged every 3.25 seconds. With this, farming becomes easy and great farming is very very essential for Razor. This can hit invisible units as well.
The only probable difference that this skill build has compared to others will be mostly the level when unholy fervor is learned..
Level 1: Attribute Bonus
Level 2: Chain Lightning
Level 3: Chain Lightning
Level 4: Attribute Bonus
Level 5: Chain Lightning
Level 6: Storm Seeker
Level 7: Chain Lightning
Level 8: Attribute Bonus
Level 9: Attribute Bonus
Level 10: Attribute Bonus
Level 11: Storm Seeker
Level 12: Frenzy
Level 13: Frenzy
Level 14: Frenzy
Level 15: Frenzy
Level 16: Storm Seeker
Level 17: Attribute Bonus
Level 18: Attribute Bonus
Level 19: Attribute Bonus
Level 20: Attribute Bonus
Level 21: Attribute Bonus
Level 22: Unholy Fervor
Level 23: Unholy Fervor
Level 24: Unholy Fervor
Level 25: Unholy Fervor
Frenzy - This skills is gotten at mid levels because that's the time where you heavy farm or join in some pushes to take down towers fast. Don't get this at earlier levels since you don't have enough damage to utilize it nor enough hp to cover the increased damage taken. If you have to activate this in team battles, make sure that you're not the main focus of the enemy as you'll fall down hard and easy because of the extra damage taken.
Chain Lightning - Your main harassing and farming tool. This will help you in controlling your lane so that you're not other carry heroes that can just farm and stay defensive early. It has 700 range so abuse that also. Also try to net at least 1-2 creep kills while targeting it on the enemy hero for maximum efficiency. Why is it learned at level 2 instead of level 1? Simply put the mana cost of a level 1 chain lightning is actually higher than the damage it deals.
Unholy Fervor - Now this is where it splits. Others tend to learn this skill for the bonuses it gives but if you look at it closely stats are way better to get. Tangos can provide you with better regen and you really shouldn't get hit that often because you have a decent range of 550. The MS% bonus is minimal at early game and you don't need it for chasing because you don't do that at all early. Your job early is to farm and occasionally harass/kill your enemy, you are not viper that can orb walk an enemy to death. Bonus stats give you more hp for survivability, mana to cast your spell and damage to help you last hit and deny.
Storm Seeker - Your farming/occasional harassing ultimate. Get this whenever you can as it makes your farming needs easier to handle. Against melee heroes this can provide some good cheapshots to them every time they get close. You can also use this for easier creep pulling especially against the purging satyrs since it has a good amount of aoe. It hits invisible heroes as well..
Note: It causes a slight mini stun to razor when he learns this skill the first time so if you're like using a tp scroll, it will get canceled when you learn storm seeker.
Core Items
Luxury Items
Build order: tangos/circlet/branches -> BoT/treads -> Wraith Bands -> Maelstrom
Boots of Travel / Power Treads + TP Scrolls - The choice of boots upgrade is completely up to the player if he wants the map control and mobility of BoT for easy farming or the offensive and cheaper path of treads (and also if you are having trouble farming for a whole 2200 gold). Of course always carry tp scrolls with you if you go treads as razor has no escape mechanism at all and it can ensure you that you can teleport to empty lanes to farm your items.
Maelstrom - An item that really synergies with razor's lightning theme and also improves his farming capabilities as well as his contribution to team battles. Adds a good amount of damage and with his high attack speed, the chain lightning procs will really dish out damage to multiple units. It can be upgraded to Mjollnir later on giving him more electricity to control.
Wraith Bands - An easy and cheap way to increase your damage output. 2 to 3 should suffice early to mid game until you sell them for better items. Get them before BoT if you are a bit more aggressive or are having a hard time last hitting in your lane.
Other Items
Butterfly+/BKB - This 2 items provides you with the protection you want whether it be from physical or magical attacks.
Butterfly is every agi heroes' best friend like int heroes to guinsoo. Adds 60 damage (30 of which is agi) and the 30% evasion is really great against dps heroes at late game. Makes razor even deadlier and harder to kill; a priority item against dps oriented teams.
BKB is for against nukers and disablers majority teams. Even with all the damage items and godlike AS, razor is no match for consecutive disables (who isn't?) so BKB is needed more. Evasion from Butterfly will do you no wonders against a chain nuking team.
Of course if the enemy team has a combination of nukers, disablers, and dps heroes, then by all means get both BKB and Butterfly..
Eye of Skadi - Another perfect item for Razor, and since Eye of Skadi is not an orb effect on ranged heroes, it stacks with Maelstrom/Mjollnir, meaning you still get the chain lightning and the frost attack. This item grants Razor most of his needs in battles - HP, mana, damage, attackspeed, armor, and also the frost attack. Frost attack helps him in chasing and killing heroes more efficiently. Get this if your team is seriously lacking some disables to hold your opponents down while you whack at them but if your team has enough disablers then you can forego this one or even skip it completely unless you have tons of gold with nothing to spend on.
Buriza - Simply put, a heavy damaging item for Razor. With your super insane Godlike attackspeed (plus frenzy), be ready to count all those criticals that will appear. Spending 6200 gold for +75 damage and a 2.2 critical damage doesn't hurt anybody, well except your enemies. One of its components, crystalys, is a very affordable item to increase your dps even more during the mid stages..
MKB - An item that can be explained in the most simplest way for Razor. It's a pure damage item, granting +75 damage. The +15% attackspeed is also very welcome (we can't do anything about it anyway). Its other purpose is for Razor to be able to stop channeling spells with the mini-stun.
Mjollnir - An excellent item for Razor, making him live up to his name as the lightning incarnate. Maelstrom is a great item for farming and harassing and this is the upgrade. Paired with Razor's godlike attackspeed, sparks of electricity will be flying everywhere. The static charge also helps you go against those tough to kill heroes if they decide to fight back. Mjollnir adds AoE DPS to Razor which is very essential for defending, pushing, going against team clashes, and for extreme farming.
Vanguard/Hood of Defiance - If you're having some problems in the survival department early game then invest in either of this survival items. Of course go for hood if the majority you're facing are casters until you get your BKB to counter them completely in team battles. Get vanguard if the enemy prioritize physical hits than nukes.
Stygian Desolator - If you don't feel like buying maelstrom (and subsequently, skadi) then desolator is a pretty good alternative choice for an orb effect. Its damage-per-gold ratio is very good and it increases your dps by a whole lot too. Since you are a hero killer the corruption makes your job easier..
Sange and Yasha - Some people like it, some people hate it. This stacks with eye of skadi too and it comes in cheap parts that you can easily farm for. It comes with decent bonuses including added hp, MS, and maim. Well your contribution to the AoE damage department is reduced because getting this means you skip on maelstrom but if you feel you need the bonuses then get it.
Radiance - Ah yes the oldschool radiance build. This item is better off rushed as the immolation aura gets less significant as the game moves on. One flaw of it though is you don't offer much damage until you get your relic and not all players will just let a razor farm an easy relic. Furthermore, the immolation aura requires you to be near your enemies for it to take effect and until you get your bkb/butterfly the last thing you'd want is for the enemies to focus fire on you. It's either you get radiance or maelstrom, get one but don't get both.
▌▌╠ Early Game ╣ ▌▌
► Starting
After choosing razor buy 2 sets of tangos, 1 circlet, and 4 branches. Learn an attribute bonus for your first skill point and head off into any lane you want. Generally razor works with any lane whether it be solo or in a dual lane. Be careful though when you solo and end up facing a dual stun lane as you'll get dominated. If you're going dual lane, then preferably lane with another nuker or disabler. Creep block as usual..► Laning
- Solo - Razor is a decent solo because he has a good range of 550 and a nuke to harass and farm with. He also has a good attack animation if you know it well. Now you're priority here comes down to this: farming > denying > harassing > killing. If you want to have a good mid to late game then farming is your top priority.
Hold ALT to show the life bar of units and only go for last hits and denies. Don't auto attack with razor or any hero for that matter as you'll push into enemy territory where you're prone to ganks. If your enemy moves closer to try and last hit your creep or deny his own, attack with regular cheap shots and when he's about to retreat use chain lightning on his ass. Even if razor needs to farm for his items, he also needs to be able to control his lane through harassing because if he doesn't, then you're just letting your enemies free farm.
This is the max casting range of chain lightning (700 units). It has a good range so combined with your natural attack range give your enemies second thoughts about moving closer.
- Dual Lane - If you don't get to have a solo lane then going with a partner is still viable. There's not much difference anyway as you still do the basic stuff like farm, last hit and deny, harass a bit, etc..
It's a lot better if you have a disabler as a partner as you can pick apart a hero in the sense of lane control. See further down to view good allies for razor. Always focus on 1 hero when you and your partner decide to do some damage as not to waste your nukes. Hopefully your ally knows how to creep pull in long side lanes (bottom for sentinel, top for scourge) but if he doesn't then you might as well do it yourself.
Just imagine that the shackled creep is a defenseless hero ok?
Don't rush in pushing the tower; and don't tank the tower or the attacks of the creeps as you have low HP in the initial parts of the game. Once you get to level 6, stand close to the enemy melee creeps so that all of them gets damaged by storm seeker and hopefully you hit the enemy hero also unless of course you're at risk from the enemies for being too close.
In this parts of the game you really don't chase heroes pass towers for the hungry kill. Sending them back to the fountain with you being in high health is much better than killing them but leaving you in red health. Don't be too aggressive in this parts of the game, concentrate on getting your items.
▌▌╠ Mid Game ╣ ▌▌
► Farming
Now unlike some other heroes who can spend mid game ganking, razor's priority is to farm and farm and occasionally destroy towers. This is where the tedious farming of Razor begins. If you have BoT, farming will be much easier because you essentially have access to the whole map to farm. If not then just always carry a tp scroll with you in case an empty lane becomes open. Push the level 2 towers only if you are certain that no enemy heroes are missing and you are sure that you will not be ganked. If you are uncertain but want to push, push with an ally but always be careful. Be patient and farm for your items if you want to be of use to your team. It may be a bit boring of a routine but that's what razor was meant to do, farm like a madman, kill like a madman.
If you like taking risks, then farm in your enemies' forest so your enemies have no neutral creeps to kill. Of course there's a risk of you getting ambushed because after all you are in enemy territory. If the enemies are pushing a bit and your team needs you to help defend, then don't think twice about helping. There's no point farming for items if you get pushed hard anyway.
|| Ganking ||
Ganking with razor isn't all the best idea because razor needs to farm and farm. But if you are positively sure that the gank will be successful and your allies are willing to give you the kill then more or less go with them and just use BoT or tp scrolls to get back on your farming. If you have like 3 allies with disables with you planning to gank a lone hero then go for it.
|| Escaping Ganks ||
This is the time where having teleport via BoT or tp scrolls are important since razor doesn't have his own escape ability. Fast ms isn't always that reliable since ms won't do anything if you get chained disabled. When you are farming and you see that most enemies are missing from the map, have that mindset that they're coming after you. If that's the case, use BoT or tp to teleport to other lanes and continue your farming.
▌▌╠ Late Game ╣ ▌▌
► Pushing
Late game is where people fear an excellent-farmed Razor. Only a few can go toe-to-toe with Razor at this point so pat your self on the back if you are able to farm for your luxury items. You might even notice that there is just a few second difference in killing a hero, and taking down a tower. If your allies are pushing 1 lane and you're pushing another, continue to split push your enemies so they can't concentrate on just one lane. Activate frenzy and start whacking on that tower and if the creeps come in, finish them first for some extra gold and continue to destroy that tower. If you ARE split pushing, teleport to your allies if they are having problems when enemy heroes come and fight.► Defending
In team battles your one job is to kill and kill and kill. Activate bkb and frenzy if you're facing a bunch of casters and disablers so they can't do anything while you whack them to death. If you're facing some dps heroes, butterfly will really come in handy to protect you from their attacks and it gives a high amount of damage also. If you have Mjollnir, cast it on your tank or to yourself or other carry heroes to fully benefit from the static charge.
Pretty much the same strategies go for defending. Go in the battle and kill any number of heroes you can. Just be careful when activating frenzy because you take more damage when it's on. Hopefully your team has some disables to disable the enemy team while you enter the battle and tear them apart. Always save the tanks for last as your main priority is to take out their carry hero or some support heroes. Deny the tower you're defending if you can. In the end, razor is just all about non stop attacking..
Best Allies
Support Heroes
These guys are really a big help. Omniknight's repel and guardian angel essentially gives you invulnerability in team battles. Purification is there to help you survive in your lane early game. Treant's living armor gives you more protection and overgrowth will keep your enemies disabled while you whack them like there's no tomorrow. Dazzle's weave is really a good team spell as it raises your armor at the same time decreases your enemies'...
Good partners to have because they can and will disable your enemy while you attack and kill them. Well any hero goes great with disablers and they are a key factor in team battles as they can make even the toughest and strongest carry hero useless.
Worst Enemies
As much as they're useful and reliable as allies, they can also be your worst enemies. A big threat would be bane elemental as he can disable you for a whole 5 sec that even goes through BKB and his enfeeble can take away 120% of your damage.
They can literally chip away your fragile hp early game and give you a horrible start which can really affect your overall game. Try to play more cautiously against them.
Late Game Monsters
A carry vs another carry is something very exciting to watch. But then again razor isn't the top carry hero in dota and as such you have problems facing them especially if they're just as farmed as you are. The only advantage you have against them is that you can farm your items way faster. Have your allies hunt for this heroes in their prime farming stage and have them killed or nearly killed so their items get delayed. Try to finish the game earlier so they don't reach their maximum potential..
by-Kaiser Leon dotaportal.com
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